*crickets chirp*
Yes... well... I've been away for a while because
Unfortunately, some people server transfered and some went to other guilds, but most of us found our way into
So what have I been doing for the last month while I haven't been blogging? Besides keeping up with the boomkin news, I've been doing achievements of course!! Some ulduar, some pvp, some old heroics and rep, and the always-fun holidays. Here's the (very long) list:
Heroic: Staying Buffed All Winter, The Diplomat, Exalted with Timbermaw, Heroic: Nerf Gravity Bombs, Heroic: The Siege of Ulduar, Heroic: Shattered!, Heroic: Hot Pocket, Guardian of Cenarius, Exalted with Sha’tar, Outland Dungeon Hero, Heroic Opening the Dark Portal, Cenarion War Hippogryph, Exalted with Cenarion Expedition, Heroic Arcatraz, Heroic Mechanar, Heroic: Emalon the Storm Watcher, But I’m on Your Side, The Antechamber of Ulduar, Take Out Those Turrets!, Chaos Theory, Exalted Champion of the Alliance, Exalted Champion of Stormwind, 25 Exalted Reputations, Outland Dungeonmaster, Tower Defense, Stormy Assassin, Bound for Glory, The Perfect Storm, King’s Bane, The Incredible Hulk, Bloodthirsty Berserker, I Choose You, Stormcaller Brundir, The Siege of Ulduar, Me and the Cappin’ Make it Happen, Explosives Expert, Ancient Courtyard Protector, Exalted Champion of Ironforge, Supreme Defender, Not Even a Scratch, Alterac Grave Robber, Alterac Valley All-Star, Stormpike Battle Charger, For the Children, Exalted with Lower City, Exalted Champion of the Exodar, Emalon the Storm Watcher, Wrath of the Alliance, Noble Gardener, Exalted Champion of Gnomeregan, Classic Raider, Blackwing Lair, Hot Pocket, Nerf Engineering, Nerf Gravity Bombs, A Quick Shave, Got My Mind on My Money, Heroic: Make Quick Werk of Him, Chasing Marcia, Lance a Lot, It’s Just a Flesh Wound, Exalted Champion of Darnassus, Argent Valor, 10,000 Honorable Kills, Tilted!, Argent Aspiration
..... yeah.
I've also started a gallery here if anyone would like to see the screenshots of them for whatever reason.
That's all for now! I've recently been playing around with upgrades to try to figure out what I consider BIS. My next post will cover my picks. :)
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